April 2021

Interactive: A guide to who's who in the Casey Goodson case

Tommy G. Meade Jr.

In the days following the police killing of 23-year-old Casey Goodson, Jr., details about who was involved in his case and the roles they played were muddied after a back-and-forth between agencies that were supposed to handle his case, causing even more confusion about who was involved and why.

For example, many people thought Deputy Jason Meade, the officer responsible for killing Goodson, was a Columbus Division of Police officer. He is not. Meade is a 17-year veteran of the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office (FCSO). But it gets even more complicated than that: He was also a member of the U.S Marshals task force on permanent assignment from FCSO.

With multiple agencies and lawyers, and a long, bureaucratic process, it can be challenging to keep track of who’s who. This guide is meant to shed light on the people and groups involved in Goodson’s case.

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